Friday, March 14, 2008

'A' for Effort

I have long maintained that effort is an incredibly important part of anything that anyone does.

People who try really hard to accomplish things deserve respect and recognition, particularly when they appear to be fighting a losing battle.

Trying hard is vital to any real form of success. It demonstrates dedication, passion, commitment, values and a genuine heart for the cause.

Today I came across a JFK quote:
"One person can make a difference, and everyone should try." We can all try to stop using plastic bags, reducing current consumption of 6 million plastic bags each year. We can all try to give 5% more money or time to any cause or any organization, we'd be a lot farther ahead. We can all try to buy one less coffee per week - or make it at home instead - and donate the money, or bring a travel mug when we do buy. We can all try to make more decisions in regards to consumption, social services based on right and wrong, and heeding such things as income inequality and climate change. Even if all we did was try to vote, as informed citizens, in every election. Then; then, the world would be a better place.

It doesn't take a lot - all you have to do is try.

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