Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Louise Arbour: Job Well Done

Tonight on CBC, an interview Louise Arbour, the current UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, a former Supreme Court judge and a highly esteemed Canadian aired.  She was being interviewed as her term comes to an end in July, after a few years at the UN.

She has done exceptional work, and her work has included developed countries, such as the US, rather than solely developing countries.  She worked tirelessly and refused to say she had accomplished enough, especially in the context of Darfur. Her comment on Tibet is as follows: “The bottom line is China is ready to open its door to 30,00 foreign journalist in August, why can’t it open its doors to 1 or 2 foreign journalists in Tibet now when the world is equally interested as to what is happening in Tibet as it will be on what will be happening during the Olympics. I mean that I think is the main question” and I agree wholeheartedly. 

Despite this, Harper instructed the government not to comment on her work as UN High Commissioner, despite the fact that she's pushed the boundaries and pushed the UN and other countries to actually protect the human rights to which they have committed. Nearly every other country has congratulated her for her contributions. Except ours - and hers. What ever happened to Canada as upholders of human rights and democracy and peace keeping? 

Conservatives, that's what. 

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